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2017年植物受体激酶国际研讨会Plant Receptor-Like Kinase Symposium 2017

日期: 2017-05-24 阅读:

为加强国内外植物细胞信号转导领域的交流与合作,推进我国植物受体激酶研究的发展,依托于兰州大学“细胞活动与逆境适应”教育部重点实验室和兰州大学“植物细胞信号转导”111创新引智基地,yh0612cc银河将于2017年5月31日至6月1日主办 “2017年植物受体激酶国际研讨会”。













531( May 31)上午

8:30-8:35 兰州大学欢迎词

Welcome Remark, Lanzhou University

8:35-8:40 yh0612cc银河院长黎家致辞,会议开幕

Opening Remark, Jia Li, Dean of School of Life Sciences

8:40-9:30 Keynote Speaker:John Walker, University of Missouri-ColumbiaSignaling pathways controlling abscission

9:30-10:00薛红卫,中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所/Hongwei Xue,Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology & Ecology, CASReceptor-like protein ELT1 regulates BR signaling and rice growth

10:00-10:30 Thorsten Nürnberger, University of Tuebingen

LRR receptor proteins - binary LRR receptor kinases?

10:30-10:45 茶歇/Tea Break

10:45-11:15 杨维才,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所/Weicai Yang, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS


11:15-11:45 瞿礼嘉,北京大学/Lijia Qu, Peking University

Dissecting the signaling pathway that controls pollen tube interaction with ovule in Arabidopsis

11:45-12:15 孙颖,河北师范大学/Ying Sun, Hebei Normal University

Receptor-like kinase mediated signal transduction in rice reproductive growth and salt stress

531( May 31)下午

14:30-15:00 黎家,兰州大学/Jia Li, Lanzhou University

Receptor-like kinases regulate hydrotropism in plant

15:00-15:30 巩志忠,中国农业大学/Zhizhong Gong, China Agricultural University

Regulation of SLAC1 by Receptor-like protein kinases

15:30-16:00杨淑华,中国农业大学/Shuhua Yang, China Agricultural University

Regulation of protein kinases in plant response to cold stress

16:00-16:15 茶歇/Tea Break

16:15-16:45 李建明,中国科学院上海植物逆境生物学研究中心/Jianming Li, Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology, CASTBD

16:45-17:15 王学路,华中农业大学/Xuelu Wang, Huazhong Agricultural University

The negative regulation and activation of RLKs and diverse ways of BES1 degradation

17:15-17:45 汤文强,河北师范大学/Wenqiang Tang, Hebei Normal University

ERECTA regulates seed size partially through the DA1-UBP15 pathway

61(June 1)上午

8:30-9:00 Libo Shan, Texas A&M University

From leucine rich repeat to malectin-like domain: differential functions of receptor-like kinases in plant immunity and growth

9:00-9:30 周俭民,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所/Jianmin Zhou, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS

A regulatory module controlling immune kinase homeostasis

9:30-10:00 Antje Heese, University of Missouri-Columbia

Navigating the cellular seas: Roles of the vesicular trafficking network in Flagellin Sensing 2 signaling

10:00-10:30 Birgit Kemmerling, University of Tuebingen

The BIR protein family - negative regulators of plant immunity and more

10:30-10:45 茶歇/Tea Break

10:45-11:15 刘春明,中国农业科学院作物科学研究所/Chunming Liu, Chinese Academic of Agricultural Sciences VCLE2 and LRR-RK1 regulate the initiation of vascular bundles in Arabidopsis

11:15-11:45 李超,华东师范大学/Chao Li, East China Normal University

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins function as chaperones for FERONIA receptor like kinase regulated signaling pathways

11:45-12:15于峰,湖南大学/Feng Yu, Hunan University

FERONIA Receptor Kinase at the Crossroad of Hormone Signaling and Stress Responses

61(June 1)下午

14:30-15:00 潘建伟,兰州大学/Jianwei Pan, Lanzhou University

Clathrin Regulates Blue Light-Triggered Hypocotyl Phototropism

15:00-15:30 Eugenia Russinova, Ghent University

Endomembrane trafficking and regulation of receptor-mediated signaling

15:30-16:00 侯岁稳,兰州大学/Suiwen Hou, Lanzhou University

Protein Phosphatase 1 Regulates Growth and Development in Arabidopsis

16:00-16:15 茶歇/Tea Break

16:15-16:45 苟小平,兰州大学/Xiaoping Gou, Lanzhou University

CLAVATA3 INSENSITIVE RECEPTOR KINASES integrate CLAVATA pathways to maintain shoot apical meristem homeostasis in Arabidopsis.

16:45-17:15 王晓峰,西北农林科技大学/Xiaofeng Wang, Northwest A&F University


17:15-17:45吴光,陕西师范大学/Guang Wu, Shaanxi Normal University

The evolution of brassinosteroid receptors

17:45-17:55 黎家主持会议闭幕式

Closing remark, Jia Li