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1990.9-1994.6,兰州医学院药学系  学士
1997.9-2000.6,兰州生物制品研究所 微生物与免疫学专业 硕士
2004.9-2007.6,yh0612cc银河 生物化学与分子生物学专业 博士


1994.6-2000.9, 兰州生物制品研究所,从事疫苗研制与生产


2007.9-2008.9,美国Clevleand Clinic 免疫学系, 博士后







中国病毒病杂志 审稿专家

食品科学杂志 审稿专家

Experimental Biology and Medicine 审稿专家



 甘肃省科技支撑计划(090NKCA131)
 教育部“春晖计划项目”(Z2008-1-62005)
 教育部高等学校博士点基金(20100211120002)
 中央高校科研业务费(lzujbky-2010-61)
 兰州市科技计划项目(2010-1-216)
 甘肃省中医药管理局科研课题( GZK-2010-35)
 西藏奇正藏药技术开发课题 (合同编号:2009620111000594)













  1. Li J, Ma Y, Li X, Wang Y, Huo Z, Lin Y, Li J, Yang H, Zhang Z, Yang P and Zhang C (2022) Fermented Astragalus and its metabolites regulate inflammatory status and gut microbiota to repair intestinal barrier damage in dextran sulfate sodium-induced ulcerative colitis. Front. Nutr. 9:1035912.
  2. Liu, G.; Khan, I.; Li, Y.; Yang, Y.; Lu, X.; Wang, Y.; Li, J.; Zhang, C. Overcoming Anxiety Disorder by Probiotic Lactiplantibacillus plantarum LZU-J-TSL6 through Regulating Intestinal Homeostasis. Foods 202211, 3596.
  3. Israr Khan,Junshu Wei,Anping Li,Zhirong Liu,Pingrong Yang,Yaping Jing,Xinjun Chen,Tang Zhao,Yanrui Bai,Lajia Zha,Chenhui Li,Naeem Ullah,Tuanjie CheandChunjiang Zhang. 2022. Lactobacillus plantarum strains attenuated DSS-induced colitis in mice by modulating the gut microbiota and immune response. International Microbiology 25(3). 587-603. 10.1007/s10123-022-00243-y.
  4. Khan Israr, Bai Yanrui, Zha Lajia, Ullah Naeem, Ullah Habib, Shah Syed Rafiq Hussain, Sun Hui, Zhang Chunjiang. Mechanism of the Gut Microbiota Colonization Resistance and Enteric Pathogen Infection. Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 2021. 11: p. 716299.
  5. N.Ullaha, I.Khana M. A. Kakakhela , L. Y, Xi. Baia , B. S. Kalrab, L. Guanlana, T. Kumarc , M. Shahd and C. Zhang.Serological prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in Mardan district, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan[J].BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY,2021
  6. N.Ullaha, I.Khana M. A. Kakakhela , L. Y, Xi. Baia , B. S. Kalrab, L. Guanlana, T. Kumarc , M. Shahd and C. Zhang.Prevalence of active HCV infection and genotypic distribution among the general population of district Mardan, Pakistan[J].BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY,2021
  7. Arif, Muhammad; Li, Yuxi; Eldalatony M M; Zhang, Chunjiang; Li, Xiangkai; Salama, ElSayed; A complete characterization of microalgal biomass through FTIR/TGA/CHNS analysis: An approach for biofuel generation and nutrients removal, Renewable Energy, 2021, 163(C): 1973-1982.
  8. Muhammad Usman1, Lajia Zha1, Abd El-Fatah Abomohrad, Xiangkai Li, Chunjiang Zhang*, El-Sayed Salamaf. Evaluation of animal and plant based lipidic waste in anaerobic digestion: Kinetics of long chain fatty acids degradation[J]. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2020, 40(5):1-17.
  9. Muhammad Arif1, Yanrui Bai1, Muhammad Usman, Mohammed Jalalah, Farid A. Harraz, M.S. Al-Assiri, Xiangkai Li, El-Sayed Salama, Chunjiang Zhang*. Highest accumulated microalgal lipids (polar and non-polar) for biodiesel production with advanced wastewater treatment: Role of lipidomics[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 2(298): 122299.
  10. Israr Khan, Naem Ullah, Zha Lajia, Yanrui Bai, Ashiq Khan, Zhao Tang, Tuanjie Che, Chunjiang Zhang *. Alteration of Gut Microbiota in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Cause or Consequence? and IBD Treatment By Targeting The Gut Microbiome[J]. Pathogens, 2019, 8(3): 126.
  11. Juan Wen, Israr Khan, Anping Li, Xinjun Chen, Pingrong Yang, Pingshun Song, Yaping Jing, Junshu Wei, Zhiming Zhang, Chunjiang Zhang*. An anti-inflammatory agent in a mouse model of colonic inflammation[J]. Food science and nutrition, 2019, 00:1-10.
  12. Xinjun Chen, Pingshun Song, Pingrong Yang, Yaping Jing, Chenhui Li, Junshu Wei, Anping Li, Xiao Ma, Tuanjie Che* and Chunjiang Zhang*. Different Drugs in Modulating Gut Microbiome of Colitis Mice[J]. Journal of Complementary Medicine and Alternative Healthcare, 2019, 9(2): 555757.
  13. Yaping Jing, Anping Li, Zhirong Liu, Pingrong Yang, Junshu Wei, Xinjun Chen,Tang Zhao, Yanrui Bai, Lajia Zha and Chunjiang Zhang*. Absorption of Codonopsis pilosula saponins by coexisting polysaccharides alleviates gut microbial dysbiosis with dextran sulfate sodium-induced ulcerative colitis in model mice[J]. BioMed Research International, 2018, 2018, 1781036.
  14. Chenhui Li, Junshu Wei, Yaping Jing, Baoxia Teng, Pingrong Yang, Xinjun Chen, Haiying Huang, Tang Zhao, Tuanjie Che, Chunjiang Zhang*. Isolation and identification of β-glucosidase-producing strains and flaxseed cake fermentation by these strains[J]. Animal Nutrition, 2018, 5(1):101-108.
  15. 汪翰林, 魏俊淑, 李晨辉, 景亚萍, 赵唐, 张学贵, 张春江*. 亚麻籽粉摄入对健康成年人肠道菌群结构的影响[J]. 食品科学, 2018, 39(21):231-236.
  16. Juan Wen, Baoxia Teng, Pingrong Yang, Xinjun Chen, Chenhui Li, Yaping Jing, Junshu Wei, Chunjiang Zhang*. The potential mechanism of Bawei Xileisan in the treatment of dextran sulfate sodium-induced ulcerative colitis in mice[J]. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2016, 188:31-38.
  17. Juan Wen, Pingrong Yang, Xinjun Chen, Yuan Fang, Qi Chang, Chenhui Li, Chunjiang Zhang*. The role of Th17/Treg balance and Th22 cell in the pathogenesis of DSS-induced colitis in mice[J]. European Journal of Inflammation, 2015, 13(2): 101-108.


[1]张春江, 景亚萍, 魏俊淑等. 党参多糖调节结肠炎小鼠肠道菌群影响皂苷代谢的机制[C]. 第十三届全国免疫学学术大会.

[2]张春江, 陈新君, 文娟等. 复方四君子汤及党参多糖调节溃疡性结肠炎小鼠肠道菌群的作用研究[C]. 第十二届全国免疫学学术大会分会场交流报告集.

[3]张春江, 文娟, 陈新君等. 八味锡类散及a-亚麻酸对炎症性肠病的作用及免疫调节机制[C]. 第十届全国免疫学学术大会分会场交流报告.


[1]张春江, 文娟, 王晓丽等. 一种异叶青兰挥发油的制备方法及其应用[P]. 中国: ZL 201310377188.7

[2]李红玉, 张春江, 允田等. 一种藏药唐古特青兰提取物及其在制备抗病毒药物中的应用[P]. 中国: CN101084991, 2012.05

[3]张春江, 赵唐, 魏俊淑等. 一种用于调节肠道菌群的益生菌-中药复方组合物及其制备方法和应用[P]. 中国: ZL201810803510.0

[4]张春江, 景亚萍, 魏俊淑等. 党参多糖作为调节人体肠道菌群药物的应用[P]. 中国: ZL201910079617.X

[5]张春江, 李晨辉, 方媛等. 一种微生物菌剂发酵亚麻籽饼粕生产生物饲料的方法[P]. 中国: 201710090354.3

[6]张春江, 方媛, 文娟等. 经优化的HIL-17RA-HAS融合基因编码蛋白[P]. 中国: 201410329071.6

[7]张春江, 方媛, 文娟等. 一种具有辅助降血脂功能的亚麻酸软胶囊及制备方法[P]. 中国: ZL201410737569.6

[8]张春江, 曹香香, 赵唐等. 一种植物乳杆菌冻干菌粉的制备方法[P]. 中国: 201910712770.1

[9]张春江, 白妍睿, 扎拉加等. 黄芪多糖在制备调节肠道菌群药物和保健品中的应用[P]. 中国: ZL201911264456.8

[10]张春江, 扎拉加, 李玉玺等. 一株具有抗氧化活性的植物乳杆菌GL-5及其应用[P]. 中国: ZL202010057573.3

最新更新时间: 2022-10-19